Addingham Methodist Church


We're people from a range of different backgrounds who all desire to serve and share God's love in our village of Addingham and beyond.  We hope that all who encounter our Church will feel a warm welcome and be at home among us.
Find out more about us


We're people from a range of different backgrounds who all desire to serve and share God's love in our village of Addingham and beyond.  We hope that all who encounter our Church will feel a warm welcome and be at home among us.
Find out more about us

World Day of Prayer - Friday 7 March - 2pm - Addingham Methodist Church

On the first Friday in March, the World Day of Prayer begins on the international dateline, in Samoa.  Early in the morning , Christian women begin praying for our world.  As the earth rotates, a great wave of prayer begins to build.  It sweeps across the Pacific, touching Fiji and New Zealand, rolling on through Asia: Japan, the Philippines, Korea and Bangladesh.  The countries of Africa and the Middle East are next.  The wave reaches the shores of Europe as the day dawns there.  Across the Atlantic it moves onwards, the Caribbean, the Americas, and on to the Pacific again until the sun finally sets over American Samoa where the final service takes place.  A worldwide circle of prayer will then be complete.

Our next Cafe Church in the church hall will be on Sunday 6 April 2025 led by Revd Shannon DeLaureal,

with guest speaker Hilary Davies talking about her time in the Westbank last year.

Tea/coffee will be served at 10.15am - informal worship commences 10.30am

The service will be followed by a Palestinian-themed lunch

photo of goods donated for Salvation Army at Christmas Cracker Event

Pray with us

A personal prayer: 
God of life and light, your Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death on the cross.
Give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to follow him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
If you would like us to pray for you or something or someone you have concerns for, please complete the message form below and your message will be sent to our Minister and will be included in our prayers.

The Church has a 'prayer chain' made up of a number of members of the Church who pray for their concerns and the  concerns of others.  Please be assured that the detail of your prayer will remain strictly confidential within this group.

Prayer Request

Follow the link on the right to

Addingham Churches Together's

'Open The Book' YouTube Channel to listen to bible stories written and presented for primary school aged children.

Church Services

Please click on the icon to the left to find details of our forthcoming church services.

Statement of Safeguarding Principles

Safeguarding is very important to us.
Click on the icon to the left to find the key points and aims of our policy.

Our History

Methodism in Addingham has a long history.  Click on the icon to the left to read about it.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement can be summarised as "Knowing and Growing in the Love of God". Click on the icon to the left to read our Mission Statement in full.
Get to know us better by taking a look at our photos
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