The Church has a Users' booklet that provides important information about our building and its use. Hirers are handed a copy of this booklet and are asked to read it carefully before using the building for the first time.
One-off hirers are covered by the Church's own public liability insurance. However, those hiring our premises more than 3 times in any one year are required to take out their own public liability insurance.
We have some general rules of hire that are detailed on our booking form. Included in these are that no alcoholic drinks are allowed on our premises and that, where persons under the age of 21 are present, there must be adequate adult supervision.
The Church takes safeguarding very seriously and all hirers are required to sign an EXTERNAL USERS SAFEGUARDING POLICY DECLARATION AGREEMENT whereby they agree either to accept the Church's Safeguarding Policy or use the safeguarding policy of the organisation to which they are affiliated. To read Addingham Methodist Church Safeguarding Policy follow the link below.
To find out more about hiring our premises or to make a booking please telephone Alison on 01943 830309.