Addingham Methodist Church


We're people from a range of different backgrounds who all desire to serve and share God's love in our village of Addingham and beyond.  We hope that all who encounter our Church will feel a warm welcome and be at home among us.
Find out more about us

What's Happening



Table Tennis Group
Tuesday Evenings 7.30 - 9.30
 Contact: Tony Richardson 01943 609360


Walk and Talk Group

Fancy a gentle walk on the second Tuesday of the month? Then join us in the Walk and Talk Group which can provide the opportunity to meet people and exercise in the fresh air of the beautiful Dales area.

Our walks are in the region of 3 to 4 miles and include a lunch stop, either part of the way round or at the end. In the Summer we take a picnic, whilst in the Winter we go to a pub or cafe.

To take part all you need to do is turn up at the Methodist Church Hall car park in time for a 10.00 am departure on the second Tuesday of the month with appropriate clothing and footwear. There is no charge to participate. Most of the walks involve sharing a car to travel a short distance to the start point.

The group has been established for over 15 years and further information is available from Mike on: 01943 831700, 07906 358048 or by email: .

Newcomers are especially welcome!!


Our History

The Club goes back nearly 60 years and dates from the formation of the Addingham Young Wives Fellowship in September 1960 at the instigation of the then Methodist minister. It had an initial membership of about 12 ladies who met in their own homes to hear talks on topics of interest to them. In addition they undertook fund-raising and charitable activities and this remains the ethos of the group today.

In January 1973 the name was changed to Addingham Wednesday Club to make it more inclusive and because some of the 'young wives' were not quite as young as they once were! From the beginning it was an ecumenical group and remains open to ladies of all denominations and none.

There are currently 49 members: (including one founder member) and meetings regularly attract audiences of around 40 to hear a wide range of talks which have recently included: 'Tall Tales': the story of Bibby's coaches, 'Royal Households' by a former employee; 'Japanese Secret Gardens' and Manorlands Hospice.

Each year the members choose a charity and hold a coffee and pancake morning to raise funds for this. 

Ladies, would you enjoy:

· a talk on A Restless Writer?

· learning about a TV appearance at the Repair Shop?

· learning about the Story of Ripon Cathedral?

As a member of the Wednesday Club, these and many more events would be open to you as part of our very varied programme, which also includes an annual outing and a summer evening meal. In addition, our meetings offer a warm welcome and the chance to make new friends over biscuits and a mug of tea or coffee – so why not join us and see for yourself?

We meet in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Street at 7.30 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month between late September and May. We also feature open evenings which are open to visitors (male and female) who are not members.

If this appeals to you and you'd like to find out more please contact Margaret on 830935, Alison on 830309 or Annie on 07885 159259 for more information, or just come along and sample a meeting as a visitor for only £4.  
Other Activities


Wednesdays 9.30 am - 10.30 am

Sue Ross 01943 831093


Wednesdays 1.00 - 3.30pm

Sue Ross 01943 831093


Thursdays 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm

Zoe Moss 07968 307662

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